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Outdoor Deck Tiles

5 Tips for Protecting Outdoor Deck Tiles in Winter

Outdoor deck tiles are easy to install and beautify your outdoor spaces. They are available in a variety of materials including various woods and recycled plastic. They are designed to last a long time with the proper care and regular maintenance to keep your outdoor spaces looking great and lasting. In the winter months, when you may not use your outdoor deck or patio as much, it is important that…

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Outdoor Wooden Deck Tiles

8 Benefits of Outdoor Deck Tiles

Deck tiles are made from various types of wood, recycled plastics, and other such materials. You can even find artificial grass tiles to use as part of your deck tile design. When professionally installed, outdoor deck tiles provide a deck-like look and feel. You will be surprised and wonder why you didn’t upgrade to them sooner. Outdoor deck tiles are one of the top trending exterior home improvement items that…

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Flooring Needs to Be Replaced

7 Signs Your Existing Flooring Needs To Be Replaced

Flooring does not last forever no matter how much we aim to maintain it.  Foundations of all sorts see various amounts of foot traffic depending on their location and frequency of use.  As such, most flooring can start to show signs of wear and tear like scratches and stains over time. If you are not sure if the flooring in or outside your home needs to be replaced, we invite…

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